Tuesday, October 25, 2016

FARM - Updates and TODO list

Calendar Links (Note: To view calendar, you must log in):

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10/25/2016: Mom, Maureen, Mary, Marla, Pam, Linda and Paula went to the farm on Oct. 22 until Oct. 23.

Below is an ongoing list for us to communicate what was done and what needs to be done at the Farm. Feel free to edit it (using the same email and password we use for this page), I just started it with a few items.

Things That Were Done

1. Marla and Mary evaluated the motion detector lights on the sauna and the chicken coup. The brackets holding the large flood lights requiring flood bulbs are broken but the lights are working when the light switch is on. The motion detector is not working. The solar light on the chicken coup is not working.

2. Marla and Mary put up three new No Hunting or Trespassing signs along the road from the driveway toward the cemetery. There are additional signs on the work bench in the basement.

3. Marla and Mary walked the new trails that Marty and Denise made on the northern most part of the forest toward the cemetery. They tried to remove large sticks/trees on the trail, but more work needs to be done with a chain saw to remove some large trees.

4. Mom brought home some towels that will be laundered. All bedding remained on the beds.

Things To Do and Who Will Do It
NOTE1: Green highlighted ones have someone assigned to the task and yellow highlighted ones still need someone to sign up!

NOTE2: Please send Mike $300 for the Farm account for 2016 as soon as possible if you have not done so yet. If you want to set up a monthly contribution (very easy and only a mere $25/month = a few lattes or drinks at the pub!), please let me know and I can help you. Or, you can make installment payments too...you have options!

1. Two new motion detector lights need to be installed on the sauna and the chicken coup. Mary said she'll work with Mark to see about buying some new ones. Mark said he is willing to put them in when he is there next time. 

2. Additional No Hunting or Trespassing signs need to be installed from the edge of the forest toward the cemetery up to our property line. Marty said he will work on this.

3. Downed trees on the trails need to be cut up and removed. Marty will do this. 

4. The gate needs to be greased since it was hard to open. Who is willing to do this?

5. Holes in the deck need to be fixed by replacing the boards. For now, if someone can replace the approx. 4 boards, that would be great! Who is willing to do this?

6. Railing on the steps going up to the deck. Who is willing to do this?

7. Railing going to upstairs loft. Who is willing to do this?

8. Tool kit for the farm. Marla and mom put one together. It is located on Dad's work bench in the garage and is in a small black and red tool box bag. Please feel free to pick it up there, Mare, if you want to bring it to the farm next time you go.



  1. I will take care of the trails during hunting season

  2. Thanks so much to Cory too for all of his work building and taking care of the trails to this point! I LOVE those trails and can't wait to be able to snowshoe or x-c ski on them some day!

    1. Yes, thank you cory, the trails are nice and I'm willing to help with them when more trail blazing happens. Let me know...

  3. Can we consider installing a railing that goes up to the loft? Not top priority but essential in the future..also we need a simple farm tool box with basic tools needed for odd jobs. It should stays there for all to use when needed.
    No tress Signs need signatures Mike said and they do need to be reinforced with longer nails!

  4. I will add those items to the list above, Mare, thanks! - Mar

  5. Can u add that folks should bring their own towels n sheets? Not sure, ask mom about that...also, do we want to rent out to friends of family only? Might generate some addtl income. Just a thought...

    1. Sure... but perhaps better is just to use this as a place to communicate about what is needed or not up there when people are planning to go and/or leave?

      Also, Mare, somehow you are posted TWO comments each time... can you look into that?

    2. Ok, I have no idea why it's duplicating my comments...
