Tuesday, October 25, 2016

MOM - Visiting her regularly and helping her out

Calendar Links (Note: To view calendar, you must log in):

For viewing only: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=husnikfamily%40gmail.com&ctz=America/Chicago

For adding new events: https://www.google.com/calendar/render?hl=en&tab=wc&gsessionid=OK


Hi Brothers and Sisters!

Mom asked me if we can all chip in to help her out on a weekly basis, especially since winter is coming soon. She found out at her monthly women's luncheon that her friends are having their kids check in on them on a weekly basis and she thought that sounded like a good idea for us. Please talk to her about this if you have questions.

The idea would be for each of us to rotate in on a weekly basis so she has someone visiting her weekly. I think this would be really nice and help her manage to stay in her house. Although I don't live here, I do try to visit as much as I can so during the times I am in town, I will sign up for those weeks. For instance, I've been helping her with projects (ex., gardening/picking up leaves, fixing and testing her motion detector lights, cleaning, etc.) during my time here since late Sept.

I think we can easily use the Husnik Family Google calendar as a way to communicate who is on for each week. If we all chip in throughout the year, that would mean each of us would be on to visit once every approx. 6 weeks or so. I will help when I am in town and will make sure I mark those dates on the calendar. Last winter she said she was trapped in her house for 3 days due to the snow and I think this made her feel quite afraid. And, she gets lonely in the wintertime too!

What do you think?

I have listed some of the projects mom has mentioned to me so far that she is interested in help with. If you think you can do some of them, please email me (marlajh@aol.com) or use this blog to put your name next to it. Please let me know also what you think about this format as well!



TODOs for Mom - Please sign up and/or whoever signs up for a given week, please call mom for further details!

1. Install new door handles for the back door and basement door. Mom is having a hard time using the current round handles and has some new ones that need to be installed.- UPDATE: Steve and I installed new handles on the back door and the door into the garage. We bought a deadbolt that needs to be installed on the back door, so that's the only thing left.

2. Install a new motion detector light in the left side of the house above the garage door and another one in the back yard. Note that I fixed the one over the right side of the garage is now working and the one on the steps going up her steps to the front door. I also removed the disfunctional solar one that was mounted on the handrail facing the driveway since it no longer works. - UPDATE: Mom asked Mel's husband Jeff to possibly do this. 

3. Help with raking leaves. - UPDATE: I've been raking leaves since I got here but more are falling, not sure if I can get them all raked up before I leave on Nov. 1.

4. Replace boards on front deck. Talk to mom about this.- UPDATE: Mom is hiring someone to work on this.


  1. Can the grands be notified to help out as well? The more the merrier...

    1. Good thought but she specifically asked for us to help her out since she wants to see her kids, she said.

    2. Can't hurt to ask the grands too... Fall and winter is my absolute busiest time of year at work!

    3. I think we need to stick with us first and try to make that work... remember it'd only be once every 6-7 weeks really...

  2. All, I made a few edits to the post already, just FYI!

    1. Please take that goofy crazy eyed picture of me off of FB and the blog, thanks...

    2. Awww, come on, it's the only one that you were really smiling in!

    3. I changed the photo in this blog and will do the same on FB!

  3. Add the calendar link to this blog for easy access, thanks!
